Support Samuel Vella's Campaign

L-ispejjeż tal-kampanja huma varji, inkluż dan l-istima: registrazzjoni tal-kandidatura tiegħi mal-Kummisjoni Elettoralli €90; stampar ta' business cards, flyers, posters €200; reklami fuq Facebook u Instagram €200.

Napprezza l-appoġġ tagħkom.

The campaign will have various costs, including these estimates: registration of my candidacy with the Electoral Commission €90; printing of business cards, flyers, posters €200; Facebook and Instagram adverts €200.

Thank you for your support.

Kull kampanja għandha l-ispejjeż tagħħa, naprezza l-appoġġ tagħkom biex nilħaq aktar nies.

Is-Somma ta' | Amount